Ready to make a change?
Join our solar revolution today and illuminate your life with clean, renewable energy.
About Us
Our firm specializes in the commercialization and management of solar energy initiatives. Our goal is to become a leading authority in the realm of renewable energy, with a particular emphasis on promoting self-consumption, collaborative self-consumption, and large-scale production.

We aim to revolutionize the nation's energy framework by fostering savings in homes and businesses and committing to a sustainable, clean energy model.
We envision a sustainable future for upcoming generations, characterized by a diverse energy mix in the majority of homes and businesses.
To realize our objectives, we utilize the most advanced and cutting-edge photovoltaic panel technology, marking a significant 180-degree shift towards enhanced energy efficiency.
It provides market knowledge of the communities of owners to which shared self-consumption is directed.
The Union Of 3 Big Companies
ORT Renovables
We are born from the collaboration of three large companies
Clean Technology
Investing in solar energy means saving costs, caring for our community, and contributing to the preservation of our planet.
The benefits of investing in photovoltaic energy could not be more visible:
Saving The World Shouldn’t Be An Option, Unfortunately It Is, And It’s Yours…
A simple installation model in 3 STEPS

Step 1: Feasibility Analysis
We carry out a feasibility study to analyze the possibilities for your home or industrial space, and to calculate the optimal size of the installation based on your consumption.

Step 2: "Key On Hand" Estimate"
The budget is prepared with all the costs of the project, from the free provision of advice and preparation of proposals, through the installation and ending with the customer‘s approval.

Step 3: Installation + Legalization
Once the budget is approved, we will install the system within two weeks and take care of all the necessary paperwork to legalize it. Lets Begin!
He can assist you in German, Spanish, And English

Things To consider When Hiring A Installer for Solar Panels Malaga

What should you think about before you install solar panels?
Solar Panels Malaga Spain we know, whether you own a home or a business, electricity costs account for a large portion of your monthly expenses. If you install a solar panel system, you will generate free power for your entire property. Even if you don’t produce 100 percent of the energy you consume, solar will reduce your utility bills by a huge margin and you will still save loads of money. All of Solar Panels Malaga’s clients are satisfied with the result!
Solar panels are also a great way to reduce your carbon footprint (something we all need to do now!). Buildings are responsible for 38 percent of all carbon emissions in the U.S.A. alone and going solar can significantly decrease that number. A typical home solar panel system will eliminate three to four tons of carbon emissions each year—the equivalent of planting over 100 trees annually!
And last but not least, multiple studies have found that homes that install solar energy systems have higher property values and sell more quickly than those without. Property experts are increasingly taking solar installations into consideration as they value homes at the time of a sale, and as homebuyers become more educated about solar-generated electricity, demand for properties equipped with solar panel systems will continue to grow.
We Have One Of The Best Solar Panels Installer In Malaga Spain
Let’s start with the basics: installing solar panels is no easy task! A good technician will make sure they have the relevant education and have passed all relevant courses in solar panel installation. On top of that they also need two vital skills:
Physical Skills – Working as a solar technician is a physically demanding job. Workers can expect to be on their feet much of the day carrying heavy equipment and climbing ladders. Solar panels are heavy and the ability to squeeze oneself into small, uncomfortable spaces, is a necessity.
Mental Skills – Solar technicians need to have an eye for detail and be able to follow instructions. Failing to follow protocol can mean the failure of the entire solar panel system. Technicians spend most of their workday installing, repairing, or maintaining complex equipment. The ability to think clearly, troubleshoot, and work independently as well as with others is needed. Solar equipment is complex. Technicians need mental dexterity to be successful as much as they need physical strength.
Need A Solar Panels Installer That Has Reputable Services In
Malaga, Spain
First of all, you should ask your solar energy panel installer: How many solar energy panels has your company installed over the years? Only hire a solar installation company that has been in business for a reasonable amount of time. A quick rule of thumb: The longer the solar energy company has been installing panels, the better. Why? Because the more experience they have, the more likely they are to do the job correctly the first time.
Additionally, there’s no harm in asking your contractor: Are you licensed to install solar panels? Although each country has its own rules and regulations, you want to make sure your technician is qualified as this could impact your insurance coverage. The next step is seeing their proof of insurance and license. Doesn’t sound too hard, right?
Contact Our Solar Panels Professionals Right Now For Your Free quotes In Malaga, Spain
A single solar panel can cost around 400 euros to install, but obviously, this may vary depending on the size and type of system. Currently, the most common household size is a 4kW solar panel system, which costs approximately 6,500 euros and will take up around 29 square meters of your roof. Due to advancements in solar energy technology, the cost to install solar panels has fallen drastically over the last few years meaning even more savings for users.
Meet The Solar Panel Malaga Installer First
How can you be sure you have found the right solar panel technician for the job? Why not meet up in an informal setting, perhaps for lunch or coffee. You want someone who is not only qualified but will do a proper job resulting in long-term savings. Explain what you are expecting and give some basic details about your property and get the technician’s opinions. Take your time! Make sure you have found the right person.
What skills must a solar panel technician have?
Every solar panel technician must know how to install basic components in a safe and reliable way. That way, you don’t have to worry about problems or spending hours trying to correct a potentially problematic issue.
Make sure you choose a reputable company!
It is imperative that you choose a solar panel Malaga technician and installer with a good reputation. Websites such as Trustpilot will let you see ratings and reviews for solar panel firms listed there. Look for reviews by properties of a similar size to yours – if the reviewer’s property is much larger or smaller, their assessment may not be very helpful. And a good solar panel technician and installer should also have testimonials from their clients that they are willing to share with you.
Solar Panels Malaga S.L./ ORT-RENOVABELS
Calle Helsinki, Benamar
29630 Benalmadena, Malaga
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